Summer Travel 2023 – Warsaw – July 25-28

Warsaw was the second stop on the European tour. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the capital city of Poland. Obviously, the city is rich in history, but what else would it have to offer? In my short time in the city, these turned out to be the highlights.

The Old Town area of the city is small but charming. The Museum of King Jan III’s Palace is reminiscent of the Palace of Versailles. Not as large, but extremely ornate. The imposing Palace of Culture and Science is a mix of Polish historical architecture and American art deco designed by a Soviet-Russian architect. The 16th Century Warsaw Barbican is a glimpse into what the old city walls and fortifications looked like.

Exploring the city was hampered a bit by the weather. After spending a few days in the heat of Istanbul, the weather in Warsaw was dramatically different. Istanbul offered heat and clear skies. Warsaw was cool, cloudy, and rainy for the most part. That weather would follow James and me through Poland and the Baltics. So glad I packed my jacket. We did have one nice day when we went out to visit King Jan’s Palace.

Warsaw might not blow you away like other capital cities of Europe, but it is a pleasant, quiet, walkable city. And if you like good beer, I think you will be happy spending a few days in Warsaw.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Gardens at the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
Palace of Culture and Science


  1. Do they do a changing of the guards at the tomb of the unknown soldier there? The castle look really cool. The weather sounds like the first year I lived in Germany. I saw the sun for 3 weeks and it was cloudy/ rainy the other 49.


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