
Salt. What is it with salt? Roman Legionnaires were paid in it. If they were worth their salt, of course. Is it just me, or is salt being added to bloody everything these days? This summer, I got hooked on some salt and lemon rehydration tablets. If there was a limit to how many of those damn things you were supposed to eat each day, I am sure I surpassed it. But it was damn hot this summer, so maybe they saved my life. There, actions justified.

My summer crack

As with most things in Japan, the salt tablets seem to be seasonal, so see you next summer, you wonderful, tasty salt lemon tablets. This company better not pull a Kirin and pull them off the shelves next summer. I will go BLM on their asses. Rioting and looting is the appropriate way to express disdain over not getting everything you think you deserve, right?

Oh yeah, what am I drinking? Well, it is a tasty salt and lemon concoction from our friends at Coca Cola. I am back on the Kodawari Lemon Sour. This time it is the 7% ABV salt lemon beverage. I still have the 5% pure lemon and the 3% honey lemon to test. Look for those reviews coming soon. I know you are on the edge of your seat. Patience, my pet, patience.

As I mentioned earlier, I am becoming a huge fan of all things salt and lemon. However, all the salt and lemon in the world will never get me to drink tequila again. There I was, in Alice Springs, Australia. The date was Oct. 26th, 2000. I had officially left the army that fateful day. I took terminal leave, so I was on holiday for the last month of my four-year hitch. Two Mexicans and I spent the night slamming tequila. I spent the next few hours in the bathroom of a guesthouse puking so hard, my contact lenses shot out of my eyes. Tequila, never again. And I do mean never.

Aside from that horrendous waste of salt and lemon, this is a perfect way to combine that pair with booze. I wasn’t sure on the first sip, though. The salt is very noticeable, but the lemon cuts it nicely. It is reminiscent of a margarita now that I think of it. Unlike a margarita, though, the salt is present in every sip. I always end up with more margarita in the glass than salt on the glass. I know it’s tequila, but it’s a margarita. Give me a break.

One of the biggest drawbacks to many of the highball type drinks in a can available in Japan is that there is always an extremely harsh chemical taste. There is just a very unnatural taste to the different fruit mixtures. Coca Cola knows how to make booze. Who knew? The price is right, too. Only 151¥/can at your local supermarket. What value! I just wonder if I should be watching my blood pressure. After a few of these, I may be heading to strokesville. Ah well, something is going to get me one day. It may as well be something I like.

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