Kanji of the Day – 文

Stroke Order

Four strokes


  1. Writings; learning, sentence, culture
  2. Letter; script

on-yomi – 音読み (Chinese pronunciation) – ブン bun, モン mon

kun-yomi – 訓読み (Japanese pronunciation) – ふみ fumi

Academic year learned

Grade 1 elementary school – 小学校1年生


作文 sakubun – essay/composition

文法 bunpo – grammar

文学 – bungaku – literature

文字 – moji – characters/letters

文明 – bunmei – civilization/culture

文化性 – bunkasei – cultural

文化祭 – bunkamatsuri – culture festival

As a teacher, you would probably not be surprised to know that I see this kanji on a near-daily basis. However, it is not just used for purely academic reasons. Every year, schools around Japan have cultural festival. In June my students have their 文化性. Now, I am not sure why we say bunkasei in stead of bunkamatsuri, but that’s what they call it so I just go with the flow.

One of the interesting and fun things about learning kanji is seeing how words are put together. Take grammar for example. It is made up the kanji 文 (sentence) and 法 (law). Sentence law. Grammar. Yeah, makes perfect sense.

I am going to try to do this on a daily basis during the quarantine period. Once I get back to work it may not be daily. Anyway, if you find a mistake or have something to add, let me know. どうもありがとうございました

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